To quote Morrissey
"But Jesus hurt me
When he deserted me, but
I have forgiven Jesus
For all the desire
He placed in me when there's nothing
I can do with this desire"
according to them you are not gay if you are attracted to the same sex, it's just hormones and you might grow out of it.. i wonder what hormones in particular they are talking about and if they feel that a female who goes through menopause is in danger of turning gay or even if taking hormones will adjust your thinking?.
this is from the wt org website.
To quote Morrissey
"But Jesus hurt me
When he deserted me, but
I have forgiven Jesus
For all the desire
He placed in me when there's nothing
I can do with this desire"
the new midweek meeting has been running for a month now.
here are my thoughts on how it is going so far:.
1) elders are looking frazzled from being on virtually every meeting and having to prepare unfamiliar formats for items.
One other thing to add to this - the watchtower study this sunday has a section praising the theocratic ministry school (Nov 15 Wt pages 29,30).
the new midweek meeting has been running for a month now.
here are my thoughts on how it is going so far:.
1) elders are looking frazzled from being on virtually every meeting and having to prepare unfamiliar formats for items.
The new midweek meeting has been running for a month now. Here are my thoughts on how it is going so far:
1) Elders are looking frazzled from being on virtually every meeting and having to prepare unfamiliar formats for items. The congregation isn't much better.
2) The talks/demos are already boring and repetitive - are they really going to have first call/return visit/bible study every week?
3) There is no longer any room for any form of individualism - even the questions are assigned for the bible reading - it is like having an oral review every week. The only meeting with any non-scripted comments now is the public talk. How long till that gets cancelled?
How's everyone else finding the new meeting?
2016-01-13 re: visit of headquarters representatives .
as part of their visit, a special three-hour programme will be broadcast to all congregationsin britain, ireland and the falkland islands.
the programme will be streamed from bethel, and will be available from saturday afternoon, april 30, at 1:00 p.m.. 2016-01-18 re:correct use of inboxes.
Anyone heard of a "Headquarter's Representatives" visit being treated like this before? Britain had a Branch (formerly Zone) visit last year - this is being handled in much the same way.
berrygerry - the BOE Oct 1 2012 about Child Abuse replaced the letter you referred to. I am pretty sure it is available from the ever helpful Atlantis and Wifibandit.
i have a question for elders here or recent elders.
were the elders, in the last 10 years, given instruction to keep a copy of every publishers blood card on file at the kh?.
we moved to our current cong 6 years ago, and shortly after we moved in, the boe requested everyone update and give a copy of card to the kh.
I don't know if it is policy but our co has started checking up that this is being done. So far I have managed to get away with a defence of "For the cards to have any legality, no pressure should be put on individuals, so I just mention to them (if I remember - which I don't) that they should make sure their cards are up to date and copies filed where necessary" I also make sure that I never have any blank forms on hand if I am asked for one.
Happy new year everyone.
i have a bit of a dilemma that i would welcome advice on from the forum.. a brother in my congregation is giving evidence of having woken up - his comments and talks are usually slanted towards topics discussed here.
he is a former elder and is part of a group of other former elders and ministerial servants who i regularly overhear using terms i would expect to hear from ones knowing ttat.
he is a quite an effective teacher and will probably influence some.. however, in the past he has caused lots of problems for myself and others who i like (including another poster to this site who i have identified) and continues to be someone who i dislike intensely on a personal level.. his comments have been noticed by the body of elders and he is being watched.
Finkelstein - thanks for your comments which have made sure I re-examine my motives etc - that's why I posted the topic in the first place. When I mentioned exposing him, I was really just suggesting an extreme position to get opinions rather than something I was seriously thinking of doing. I have been mentally out for about 16 years now and have overheard many things which I should have reported as an elder but haven't. I am genuinely happy when anyone, even someone I dislike (I'm not too keen on his son) escapes from the borg. As I mentioned, another poster here has a much larger grievance against him than I do and I view the members of this group more as sisters and brothers than I do those in my congregation. This affects how much help I feel I can give him. As the general consensus seems to be that I should do nothing, that is what I am planning to do.
congregations get an annual letter that tells what can be ordered for literature (it's mainly a list of audio cds/dvds for the deaf), but this time it included publications that will be discontinued, and this included the isaiah's prophecy book and the reasoning book, and i think i saw the draw close to jehovah book.
i meant to take a picture of the letter but forgot.
the branch is only going to give what they have on stock, when that stock depletes that's it, you won't be able to order those publications anymore.. this is in canada so i don't know if this is worldwide..
Just logged in to and I can tell you that in the UK at least Isaiah 1 & 2, Reasoning and Draw Close can still be ordered.
On the subject of books going out of date, the newest Organized book, released this year, is already out of date with the change to reporting.
i have a bit of a dilemma that i would welcome advice on from the forum.. a brother in my congregation is giving evidence of having woken up - his comments and talks are usually slanted towards topics discussed here.
he is a former elder and is part of a group of other former elders and ministerial servants who i regularly overhear using terms i would expect to hear from ones knowing ttat.
he is a quite an effective teacher and will probably influence some.. however, in the past he has caused lots of problems for myself and others who i like (including another poster to this site who i have identified) and continues to be someone who i dislike intensely on a personal level.. his comments have been noticed by the body of elders and he is being watched.
Thanks for your replies - sorry I haven't got back sooner, I had t go offline for a while.
What I have disliked most about him is that he used his position to make others feel very unwanted to the extent that they had to move away, whilst pulling every trick in the book to protect his family who were getting up to all sorts of things (I've no problem with them doing so - I "helped" his son get reinstated then never attend again - the problem was how he attacked others who were trying to do the same thing for their families)
The real dilemma is that the group he is a part of (in fact probably the leader) has in it ones who I do like and admire. His actions have possibly helped them to start waking up, but could also get them into trouble.
My instinct was to keep my distance for now. I never had any intention of revealing myself to them - I could send him an email from my alias account.
i have a bit of a dilemma that i would welcome advice on from the forum.. a brother in my congregation is giving evidence of having woken up - his comments and talks are usually slanted towards topics discussed here.
he is a former elder and is part of a group of other former elders and ministerial servants who i regularly overhear using terms i would expect to hear from ones knowing ttat.
he is a quite an effective teacher and will probably influence some.. however, in the past he has caused lots of problems for myself and others who i like (including another poster to this site who i have identified) and continues to be someone who i dislike intensely on a personal level.. his comments have been noticed by the body of elders and he is being watched.
I have a bit of a dilemma that I would welcome advice on from the forum.
A brother in my congregation is giving evidence of having woken up - his comments and talks are usually slanted towards topics discussed here. He is a former elder and is part of a group of other former elders and ministerial servants who I regularly overhear using terms I would expect to hear from ones knowing TTAT. He is a quite an effective teacher and will probably influence some.
However, in the past he has caused lots of problems for myself and others who I like (including another poster to this site who I have identified) and continues to be someone who I dislike intensely on a personal level.
His comments have been noticed by the body of elders and he is being watched. So my dilemma is whether I should warn/help him or should I leave things alone or even try to expose him?